In today's world when there are so many harsh influences that can easily pollute our hearts and minds, it's especially vital for us to filter the things that we expose ourselves to on a day to day basis. And by this, what I mean is the type of music we choose to listen to, the types of things we read, what we choose to watch on the television, and so forth.
For example, music. When you make the decision to be radiant for Christ, at first, you might think, "Oh, it doesn't really matter what kind of music I listen to...does it? I mean, I can love and serve God and listen to [so forth and so forth], right?" But let's see what God has to say about this.
"No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." -Matthew 6: 24
Hmm. Interesting. So what do you do if you reeeaaally like music with lyrics that are dirty, sinful, or speak a wrong message? Well, what do you do with an apple that's rotten? You throw it out! I used to adore Lady GaGa and Katy Perry and I would brag to my friends about what new rap artist I was listening to at the time. They all thought I was cool and their praise made me feel more popular and important than I knew I really was.
But as Jesus repeatedly begin tapping me on the back behind the social life glamor and asked me to follow Him, I became more and more aware that it was urgent I give Him an answer. I also knew that the music I was exposing myself to did not give Him the answer of "Yes, Lord! I follow You!" If anything, it actually said, "No, Lord. Hush, go away now. I need to be popular."
What I did then was I took a deep breath and gave myself a very long peptalk, then I quietly opened up my iTunes account and gingerly went through all my songs (yes, all 176 of them) and deleted the ones I knew did not glorify Christ. This was especially difficult because half of what I listened to at the time did not glorify Christ; it was all about lust, sex, and drugs.
I know this sounds radical and that's because, by the world's standards, it is. My older brother is a sweet boy, but if he caught me throwing away music, I'd probably get yelled at. But don't you think when Jesus watched, He was smiling so wide His cheeks hurt? What did the simple act of purging my iTunes account truly accomplish?
Well, one, the message in those kinds of songs began fading away in my mind, so I was no longer troubled by those little sinful snippets. You know, those catchy parts but are really dirty. Two, I found myself more focused on Jesus, and lastly, by tossing away the old songs, it was symbolism for my decision to stand by Christ, whether it be long, tiresome, sacrificing, or difficult.
I've never looked back on that one simple decision. I've never regretted it for a day in my life.
The same thing goes for what we watch on TV or what we read, or look at on the Internet. Ask yourself, "Does this glorify God?" and be brutally honest to yourself. There's no getting around it. You are either for God or against Him; likewise, what you expose yourself to either glorifies Him or it mocks Him. The decision is difficult, but you can do it. If Christ gave His life for us, then we can give our life back to Him. You are strong enough!
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4: 13
-Many hugs, Beverly :)
**I do have some suggestions for music and books that are surprisingly amazing. For music, try listening to:
-Tenth North Avenue
-Sanctus Real
-Chris Tomlin
-New Life Worship
Just play around on You Tube or try Pandora for more! / And for reading, I totally recommend:
-Before You Meet Prince Charming: A Guide to Radiant Purity by Sarah Mally
-Authentic Beauty - The Shaping of a Set-Apart Young Woman by Leslie Ludy
-Set-Apart Femininity - God's Sacred Intent for Every Young Woman by Leslie Ludy
-Answering the Guy Questions - The Set-Apart Girl's Guide to Relating to the Opposite Sex by Leslie Ludy
-Sacred Singleness - The Set-Apart Girl's Guide to Purpose and Fulfillment by Leslie Ludy
-The Lost Art of True Beauty - The Set-Apart Girl's Guide to Feminine Grace by Leslie Ludy
There are so many more that I haven't mentioned, but these are just a quick start on your journey to becoming radiant for Christ! The best of luck to all of you!!!
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